aditi academy team

The Team


Sujata Gokhale

Founder & Teacher

Sujata Gokhale Founded Aditi Academy in the Year 2000. Since then she has been actively involved in Teaching for the last 20 years. Along with Teaching, she has undertaken translation, interpretation and corporate training projects for multinational companies. Currently she takes higher level classes, corporate projects, skype classes & more.

Hiroyuki Miyata

visiting professor

Mr Hiroyuki is a businessman by profession and is a visiting professor at the Academy. He has conducted several workshops & special courses for students here. His specializations include Business Japanese & Osaka Dialect. He is also involved in the ongoing online course developement of Aditi Academy.



Ms Neelam has been with the Academy since the last two years. She currently takes JLPT N5 & N4 Level Classes. She also manages admin work and undertakes translation & interpretation projects.


Graphic designer

Hemangi designs graphics for Aditi Academy’s E-paper Obentou Times. She creates strategy for upcoming posts and then designs the layout for each. Along with being a Graphic Designer she is also a motion graphics enthusiast.

Suhail Dar

Communications mgr

Mr Suhail has been actively involved in managing student relations and cultural exchange of the Academy. He currently manages the inflow of cultural exchange students into the Academy.

Shun Masuda

Cultural exchange

Mr Shun, a Sushi Chef by profession has taken various fun and interactive workshops with the Academy’s Students. He has also conducted admin tasks mainly focussing on the creation of tests and results of the same.